I am a superstitious person when it comes to certain things. At school, I need to park my car at a certain spot, and drink coffee from the appropriate mug on the right day. I do not know how it started, but it kind of just happened. When it comes to watching a game, I have my own little rituals and habits that I guess are not too uncommon in the world of fandom.
During the World Series I started to wear a gift my mom got for me on my 16th birthday, a commemorative 1998 New York Yankees World Series watch. The battery had died about 5 years ago, but other then that it was in excellent condition. I would wear the watch during the day, and once the game started it would be taken off and placed on the new coffee table in my apartment. (The coffee table being new is a different story) It was weird wearing a watch that didn't work, especially when somebody asked me what time it was and I replied that I did not know.
Another element of crazy that I started to do, actually began during the playoffs. During the games I would only drink two different beers, Rolling Rocks and Ballantines. The reasons being, Rolling Rocks were the favorite beer of my grandfather, who is the whole reason I am even a fan, and Ballantine Ale used to be the official sponsor of the New York Yankees. A home run in Yankee Stadium used to be called a "Ballantine Bash" by former Yankee announcer Mel Allen. Needless to say, there were some long playoff games that lead to rough days at work the next day.
Finally, there was a family jinx that I felt I needed to rectify. I could easily be mistaken with the year that this event occurred, regardless here is the story:
My brother and I went to a party in the summer of 2001. We were both working at a summer camp, and parties at a staff members were very quick to throw a party when parents were gone for a weekend. At this party, my brother Vinnie went into the fridge and found a bottle of champagne. To the delight of all but the residents of the house, Vinnie opened up the bottle of champagne and started to spray it all over the kitchen. He jumped up and down shouting, "I'm the New York Yankees!!" We got the pictures to prove it.
The playoff story of the Yankees up until this year did not end with a champagne shower.
So, the afternoon of Game Six, I went to pick up some more Ballantine and Rolling Rock, and purchased a bottle of cheap champagne . I told myself, "If they win, I am spraying champagne and canceling out Vinnie." I even talked to Vinnie on the phone when I made my purchase. My fear then became that the bottle of champagne would remain uncorked and become a symbol of my stupidity. If this became a Buckner game, I would have blamed myself.
When Jobba came in for Petite in the sixth I began to get ready. On my itunes I got New York, New York ready to play. (something I regretfully did in Game 4 in the ALCS) I cord plugged ithe laptop nto the T.V. so it would be loud enough for my neighbors to hear Sinatra. I got my champagne bottle out of the fridge and opened the window in anticipation.
When the final out was made, I threw the window open and popped the champagne bottle. I yelled, "Fuck you Boston!", and blasted Sinatra. The volume was as loud as possible, and thanks to the bass the walls shook a bit.
Then I stood there, and watched the post game celebrations on the field. A-Rod awkwardly running with his hands up, Jeter's fist pump, the dugout clearing were all played out to Sinatra's voice. When I saw the coaches hug each other, I felt proud of Girardi.
Suddenly, I became reflective about how much had changed for me, since the last time the Yankees won.
The last time the Yankees won I watched the World Series with my grandfather. I was a senior in high school, and had not even applied to any colleges. Pa was rooting to Mike Piazza during that series because he was Italian, and a Roman Catholic. The last World Series game my grandfather watched, was Game 6 of the 2003 World Series.
My cousin Nicky wasn't married yet. Now, he has a beautiful wife Liz, and two sons, Lucca and Jude. Jude was born the day the Yankees won the pennant this year.
My aunt Judi was diagnosed with brain cancer last year, and was to weak to make it to the last game at Old Stadium. Now, a year later, she was at the New Stadium watching the Yankees celebrate first hand, and taking part in the "Whose your Daddy?" chants.
My sisters, Anastasia and Zina were not even here when the Yankees won in 2000. They were both toddlers living in Russia.
My father was not yet a lieutenant in the FDNY. He was taking courses to study for the exam.
I went from being on Cloud 9 to suddenly very, very homesick. I wanted to be at St. Anthony's tomorrow, talking to the other Yankee fans about it. Making plans for the parade with people. I wanted to listen to Mike Francessa talk on the FAN about the Series. I wanted the Daily News, and CBS 880, Eyewitness News in the morning with Joel Nolan and Bille Evens telling about parade day traffic and weather.
Instead I went to bed and woke up to 98.5 the Sports Hub. I had Toucher and Rich talk about the Yankees win, and WBZ tell me about the weather in New England. I did wear my Derek Jeter jersey to work that day, which is what prompted that title comment from a student. That pissed me off. This little shit was ignorant of the World Series in 1947, 1967, 1975, and 1986. Which I enlightened him in class, then I asked him where Pedroia and Varitek were.
The payroll came up in conversation several times. I don't care if the Yankees had C.C. or Texiera, or a Babe Ruth clone. They did it, and that was all that mattered to me. You don't like it, well don't watch and Fuck you. I am enjoying my moment.
Some of my colleagues were gracious enough to congratulate me during the day, something I could have never done. Only one real person gave me a hard time that day, a guy who works at the Italian deli in Wellesley. We get lunch there probably once a week, it is amazing. The dialogue went something like this:
Deli Guy: (seeing my Jeter jersey) oh, you gotta wear that in here today!?! What are you showing off?
me: What? How am I showing off? If your team won would you be showing off?
D.G.: well..
me: no! Then why am I a show off?
D.G: come on get outta here
me: if you want me to leave I will, but you damn well know that I got like a $40 lunch order going right now. You know you want my money
D.G.: alright
me: let's face it. You wanted us to win, you needed us to win.
You want me on that wall. You need me on that wall!
D.G: I would never root for the Yankees
Hey, he and I both know that we need each other, I wasn't leaving since he's got great prosciutto from Parma, and he wasn't kicking me out since I am paying his kid's college tuition.