pink hat fan: a fair weather fan, who attends a ball game as a social gathering with little to no knowledge of what is going on. Pink hat fans tend to be more concerned with how they look than the score of the game.
*Note: not all pink hat fans have to be wearing a pink hat, or be female.
Anyway, I digress.
I have had a couple of interesting conversations about bandwagon fans before, but when I brought up the pink hat issue it kind of touched a nerve. There are some very passionate and well informed female fans out there, and I am not take a crack at them. It is that small loud, over makeup and underdressed minority that gives female fans a bad name. That group is the focus of my ire.
I hate fair weather fans/bandwagon fans, because I hate fake people. If you are ever at a baseball game you know who I am talking about, just take a look around. They could be attending the game because they got tickets from their job and be wearing a shirt, tie, and baseball hat. An excellent look if you want to look like a total douche bag. Try to avoid eye contact and enjoy the game. Here are my rules for appropriate baseball attire:
1. no ties. Even the GM of the Yankees will not wear a tie, so there is no reason that you should.
2. No pink jerseys, hats, shirts, or shorts. Unless it is for a fundraiser for Breast Cancer, there is really no need to be wearing pink at the game.
3. No hats or shirts with flags of different countries on it. We get it, your half Irish, move on Sully
4. Ladies, make sure your shirt covers your whole body. In other words, wear something so we do not have to see your ass crack.
5. A player must be on the team at least one year before you buy their shirt/jersey.
Don't be that guy with the new Lackey shirt this year.
6. This has nothing to do with attire but: Don't dance to a player's warm up music. You are not at the Hong Kong, and nobody cares. Stop it.
Here is an article that discusses the pink hat issue in Boston.