Monday, July 14, 2008

Allow me to re-introduce myeslf

My name is billy...and I am the impratial member of this bike tour based on the fact that I am a die hard fan of the New York Mets. Many of you are probably asking yourself, why a Mets fan would be allowed/want to go on a bike ride that celebrates the rivalry of Yankees Sox. I can understand your confusion and i will answer your question with a few simple points:

1) I am a huge fan of baseball, always have been. I was raised in a house where my dad is a die-hard Mets fan, and a big fan of baseball history. I have played baseball my entire life from little league, to travel ball, to high school. I love baseball and it is a big part of who I am. When John 1st talked about walking last year I thought he was crazy, then after reading some of his blogs last year i was very jelous that i didnt make the tip. When he came back this year, and said he was doing it again as a baseball fan, i could not pass it up again.

2) I respect the rivalry, Yankees - Sox is just one of those things. The evil emipire, 26- championships, the history, the house that Ruth built, as much as it makes me sick, they are still the Yankees vs. Red Sox Nation, 2 championships in the last 4 years, Fenway Park, Manny being Manny....they also make me sick, but what can you do its a great rivalry.

3) I hate both teams... and it really boils down to the fact that I hate there fan bases. Not the die hards or the full time fans (like Billy, John, Liz, and Alex) but the pink hat wearing, there when the teams are good, refer to themselves as part of the team fans. I really do think it is because of those people that I hate the yanks and sox and even from time to time my own Mets. That and the fact that my Mets have not won a championship that I can remember, and that bothers me.

4) Its great exercise, and more importantly its a phenomenal charity..... and i will do just about anything for a good charity.

Well that about sums it up.... I will try to be the level head during the trip and try to provide an un-biased view of the rivalry as we ride through it.

Id like to thank everyone for reading...and more importantly for donating, its a great cause and we are just happy that our fun little journey can raise some money for cancer research.

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