Monday, July 30, 2007

Day 13 - where we start walking the marathon

This morning started a little rough. I awoke at 6am as usual to thunder and lightning along with the pouring rain. For a moment we considered altering our plans, but determination won out. We would go for it. After an amazing breakfast by Pat's mom she dropped us off on 135 under the Mass Pike.

Thankfully the rain lasted only for thirty minutes or so. After it was clear the rain was stopped for a while we shed the plastic bags protecting our precious feet. Walking was pretty steady going at that point. This marathon route is definitely better than Route 9 would have been. Instead of strip malls and traffic we had more small New England towns and nice sidewalks. We did get a few more Dunkin's though, bring it to 39-19 (I know that's why you're really reading this).

The biggest accomplishment of the day was completing our last 20 mile day. Tomorrow will be an easy 10 miles into Boston and up to the Fen. Tomorrow is also supposed to be nicer weather. Arriving at the stadium in the rain after two weeks of walking would have been a tad anti-climactic.

We're staying with my brother and sister-in-law's house tonight which is fun for me. It also means real beds again, which may not sound like a big deal to ya'll, but we're stoked. Speaking of my brother, he just got here with ice cream, so I'm done here.

This blog is brought to you by Paul and Meg. I can't think of anything clever here since the "Hunka-hunka PB fudge" is calling my name.

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