Monday, July 21, 2008

The Hills Are Alive...but Im slowly dying or the Hills Have Eyes, and they saw me fall off my bike

I will say that today started out with me feeling better then the past two days. I was pretty well rested and looking forward to the day. Liz, Bea, and I ventured to Rhinebeck from Hyde Park planning on meeting Billy C and Billy Quinn up at the bike shop.
That ride was spectacular. It was still cool out and the hills were challenging but the downhills were great. I enjoyed the views of the River and the mountains. Got a great visual of an old man dusting a bird feeder outside. White V-Neck undershirt, suspenders, and kahki shorts. What a site. I waved at him and he yelled good morning. You gotta appreciate someone who takes pride in their bird feeders.

From Rhinebeck we went west towards Milan, Pine Plains, and Millerton. It was on that last stretch of the ride that the heat really got to me.

We were heading up a hill and I had been feeling worse then I have the whole trip. My Camelback holds much less then everyone on the trip and I had been meaning to get a new one. At the base of a hill I got a whiff of suntan spray and another much more unpleasent smell: road kill. That weird sour, bitter, hot smell of animal and asphalt.
At that point I couldnt control my bike (a rascal would have been moving faster than me at that point) and I just toppled over. My eyes shut, and I was on the grass. The shock of it all kind of woke me up. I jumped up as fast as I could and was greeted by a very concerned motorist. She offered me ice cold water and asked me what the hell I was doing in this heat. She insisted that I stay in the shade and sit down for awhile. I accepted the water then walked up the hill. I felt awful, like death.
I drank more water and took my helmet off and trudged up the hill with Liz. Two hills later I was dry heaving off the side of the road. I felt so nauseas and it came in waves.

Billy C offered me some Gu to help with my blood sugar. That is pronounces Goo, but I didnt write: I had some of Billy's goo and felt better. This is a family friendly blog after wall.

I was pretty embarrassed about the whole thing but just wanted the day to end. I got my second wind finally and was able to close out the day with my head up high. New camel back will be purchased though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

John there is no shame in taking goo from another. Its what binds us as people, or something. I like the alternate titles to this post. Edelweiss, so long, farewell, continue on you lonely goatherd. B